Friday, April 29, 2011

PH and yeast

Yet again.. we are dealing with yeast and not in the bread or baking form. My youngest son is having huge issues. Unless I am consistently consuming a horrid amount of acidophiles his skin erups with yeast infection. Today it appeared mid morning. He awoke from his morning nap screaming. His cheeks were speckled and when I changed his Diaper his belly and front bum was covered in a yeast infection. It has been treated but I do not know if it is healthy to be constantly treating it with medication.

I am stumped.

I am on a quest now to figure out how to balance his PH. I came across this website and will try adjusting my diet accordingly to see if this helps. It will be helpful for Samuel as well since we begin to introduce solids the beginning of June. Tomorrow I am planning on testing both of our PH levels to see if mine is out causing his to be out or what the deal is!

Any mommas struggle with the same issue? HELP?


  1. Maybe these links will help? It's mostly reader comments, but you might find something that sounds the same as what you're going through.

  2. Thanks Alanna.. His bum is clear now as are his cheeks and chest.. next time around will def use some of these tips.. More so I now want to know why and what do to as prevention
