Friday, June 17, 2011

I've been a baby food makin

With my youngest little squirt just a little bit over 6 months, I have been busy preparing smooth purees for him.  I started him on solids just a little less than a month ago and so far he has tried

- baked sweet potato
- green beans
- rice
- peas
- carrots
- baked butternut squash
- pears
- apples
- prunes
- oatmeal

I do not believe that I can shovel foods quick enough into his mouth so suffice his appetite.  I am always surprised at the amount he eats. Tonight for dinner he had peas, carrots, squash and cereal.  P-I-G-G-Y.

I was asked to post some recipes that I use for my baby food.  I will post Samuel's favourites

Baked Sweet Potato

Preheat oven to 450 degrees and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil (keeps them from sticking).  Scrub outside of potatoes and poke with holes. Place on middle rack of oven and cook away. I buy the largest ones I can find so I bake mine for 1 hr to 1.5 hrs. Bake until soft. Mash with fork or puree with whatever you have to puree with.

Green Beans and Rice

1/2 cup Rice
1 cup water
1 cup green beans

In a medium size sauce pan add rice and water. Bring to a boil stirring occasionally.  Turn heat to low, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Remove lid adding green beans.  Cover and cook for another 5-7 minutes or until rice is done.

When cooked I just portioned out the amount of rice and beans that I wanted to puree.  This recipe makes about 1 - 1.5 ice cube trays.  When pureeing either add water or vegetable stock to create the right texture for your baby. After 6 months you can also use chicken stock.

Samuel loved this one a lot.  It was a nice change from the rice cereal.

Peas and Carrots

1/2 cup peas
1/2 cup carrots

You can use frozen or fresh. I used frozen sweet peas and freshly peeled and chopped carrots. In a pan add vegetables and just enough water for them to sit in not cover. I try not to boil them. I like to keep the flavour. ( I used a small frying pan to do this).  Turn burner on medium and let them cook. Add more water as it evaporates just a little at a time until the vegetables are cooked.  Puree adding a little bit of the extra water for right consistency.

Pears and Apples

Wash fruit first.  Peel and dice into 1" pieces.  Put in saucepan.  Add a little water and cook over medium heat until soft.  Puree and add to either cereal or eat alone. COOL FIRST THEN SERVE.  ALWAYS TEST TEMPERATURE BEFORE FEEDING TO CHILD.


I used dried prunes. I purchased 4-5 out of the bulk food section at my grocery store. Less than 1 dollar for 5.  Put prunes in a jar or a container with lid.  Cover with water and refrigerate to rehydrate.  I left mine over night but I at least 8 hrs.  Then puree with some of the liquid to right consistency.  I add this to his cereal in the morning.

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